Course Details

Course Overview

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library used to create user interfaces in a declarative and efficient way.

What You Will Learn?

  1. Module 1: Introduction to React.js
  2. What is React.js?
  3. The Virtual DOM
  4. Setting up a React Development Environment (Node.js, npm/yarn, create-react-app)
  5. Creating a Simple React Application
  6. Module 2: JSX and React Components
  7. Understanding JSX Syntax
  8. Creating Functional Components
  9. Creating Class Components
  10. Props and PropTypes
  11. State and setState
  12. Component Lifecycle Methods
  13. Module 3: Handling Events and Forms
  14. Event Handling in React
  15. Form Handling and Controlled Components
  16. Uncontrolled Components
  17. Form Validation
  18. Module 4: Lists and Keys
  19. Rendering Lists
  20. Using Keys for Efficient Rendering
  21. Conditional Rendering
  22. Fragments
  23. Module 5: Styling in React
  24. CSS Modules
  25. Styled-components
  26. Inline Styles
  27. Third-party Styling Libraries (e.g., Material-UI)
  28. Setting up React Router
  29. Creating Routes and Navigation
  30. Route Parameters and Query Strings
  31. Nested Routes
  32. Route Guards for Authentication
  33. Module 7: State Management with Redux
  34. Introduction to Redux
  35. Actions, Reducers, and Store
  36. Connecting React Components to Redux
  37. Redux Middleware (Thunks)
  38. Best Practices and Redux Toolkit
  39. Module 8: Asynchronous Programming
  40. Fetching Data with Axios
  41. Using Promises and Async/Await
  42. Handling API Calls with Redux
  43. Real-time Data with Web Sockets
  44. Module 9: Advanced React Patterns
  45. Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
  46. Render Props
  47. Compound Components
  48. Context API
  49. Error Boundaries
  50. Module 10: Testing in React
  51. Unit Testing with Jest and React Testing Library
  52. Testing Redux and Async Code
  53. End-to-End Testing with Cypress
  54. Test-Driven Development (TDD) Practices
  55. Module 11: Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
  56. Benefits of SSR
  57. Setting up SSR with Next.js
  58. Data Fetching in SSR
  59. SEO and Performance Considerations
  60. Module 12: Deployment and Optimization
  61. Preparing for Production
  62. Deploying React Apps to Various Platforms (e.g., AWS, Heroku)
  63. Performance Optimization Techniques
  64. Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
  65. Module 13: Authentication and Authorization
  66. User Authentication with Firebase
  67. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  68. OAuth and Social Logins (e.g., Google, Facebook)
  69. Module 14: Building Real-World Projects
  70. Applying React and Redux Concepts to Real Projects
  71. Project Planning and Architecture
  72. Integrating APIs and Backend Services
  73. Deployment, Hosting, and Continuous Integration (CI/CD)
  74. Final Project:
  75. Students will work on a substantial final project where they apply their knowledge and skills to develop a complete web application.

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