Course Details

Course Overview

Core python - Advance python - Numpy Pandas Django Flask

What You Will Learn?

1.      Introduction to Python

·      What is Python?

·      Why PYTHON?

·      History

·      Python Applications

·      Python versions

·      Role of Python in Software Applications

·      Versions of Python

2.      Python Software’s

·      Python Distributions

·      Download & Python Installation Process in Different O.S

·      Online Python IDLE

·      Python Real-time IDEs like Spyder, Jupyter Note Book, PyCharm, Rodeo, Visual Studio Code, ATOM, PyDevetc

·      Installing Python and setting up the development environment

·      Running Python programs and the Python interpreter

3.      Operators

·      Arithmetic Operators

·      Comparison Operators

·      Python Assignment Operators

·      Logical Operators

·      Bitwise Operators

·      Shift operators

·      Membership Operators

·      Identity Operators

·      Ternary Operator

·      Operator precedence

·      Difference between “is” vs “==”

4.      Variables and Data Types

·      Understanding variables and their naming conventions

·      Common data types: integers, floats, strings, booleans

·      Variable assignment, type conversion, and basic operations

5.      Conditional Statements

·      If

·      If-else

·      If-elif-else

·      Nested-if

6.      Looping Statements

·      For

·      While

·      Nested loops

·      Branching statements

·      Break and continue and return statements

·      Practical examples and exercises

7.      Data Structures

·      Lists: creating, indexing, slicing, and modifying

·      Tuples: creating, accessing, and immutability

·      Dictionaries: key-value pairs and dictionary methods

·      Sets: unique elements and set operations

8.      Strings

·      What is string

·      Representation of Strings

·      Processing elements using indexing

·      Processing elements using Iterators

·      Manipulation of String using Indexing and Slicing

·      String operators

·      Methods of String object

·      String Formatting

·      String functions

·      String Immutability

·      Case studies


9.      Functions

·      Defining and calling functions

·      Function parameters and arguments

·      Returning values from functions

·      Scope and global variables

·      Built-in functions and creating user-defined functions

·      What is Function?

·      Advantages of functions

·      Lambda functions/Anonymous functions

o   map()

o   filter()


Advanced Python

Python Modules

  • Importance of modular programming
  • What is module
  • Types of Modules – Pre defined, User defined.
  • User defined modules creation
  • Functions based modules
  • Class based modules
  • Connecting modules
  • Import module
  • From … import
  • Module alias / Renaming module
  • Built In properties of module


  • Organizing python project into packages
  • Types of packages – pre defined, user defined.
  • Package v/s Folder
  • py file
  • Importing package
  • PIP
  • Introduction to PIP
  • Installing PIP
  • Installing Python packages
  • Un installing Python packages


  • Procedural v/s Object oriented programming
  • Principles of OOP – Encapsulation , Abstraction (Data Hiding)
  • Classes and Objects
  • How to define class in python
  • Types of variables – instance variables, class variables.
  • Types of methods – instance methods, class method, static method
  • Object initialization
  • ‘self’ reference variable
  • ‘cls’ reference variable
  • Access modifiers – private(__) , protected(_), public
  • AT property class
  • Property() object
  • Creating object properties using setaltr, getaltr functions
  • Encapsulation(Data Binding)
  • What is polymorphism?
  • Overriding

1.      i) Method overriding

2.      ii) Constructor overriding

  • Overloading

1.      i) Method Overloading

2.      ii) Constructor Overloading

iii)  Operator Overloading

  • Class re-usability
  • Composition
  • Aggregation
  • Inheritance – single , multi level, multiple, hierarchical and hybrid inheritance and Diamond inheritance
  • Constructors in inheritance
  • Object class
  • super()
  • Runtime polymorphism
  • Method overriding
  • Method resolution order(MRO)
  • Method overriding in Multiple inheritance and Hybrid Inheritance
  • Duck typing
  • Concrete Methods in Abstract Base Classes
  • Difference between Abstraction & Encapsulation
  • Inner classes
  • Introduction
  • Writing inner class
  • Accessing class level members of inner class
  • Accessing object level members of inner class
  • Local inner classes
  • Complex inner classes
  • Case studies

Exception Handling & Types of Errors

  • What is Exception?
  • Why exception handling?
  • Syntax error v/s Runtime error
  • Exception codes – AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError…
    • Handling exception – try except block
    • Try with multi except
    • Handling multiple exceptions with single except block
  • Finally block
    • Try-except-finally
    • Try with finally
    • Case study of finally block
  • Raise keyword
    • Custom exceptions / User defined exceptions
    • Need to Custom exceptions
  • Case studies

Regular expressions

  • Understanding regular expressions
  • String v/s Regular expression string
  • “re” module functions
  • Match()
  • Search()
  • Split()
  • Findall()
  • Compile()
  • Sub()
  • Subn()
  • Expressions using operators and symbols
  • Simple character matches
  • Special characters
  • Character classes
  • Mobile number extraction
  • Mail extraction
  • Different Mail ID patterns
  • Data extraction
  • Password extraction
  • URL extraction
  • Vehicle number extraction
  • Case study

File &Directory handling

  • Introduction to files
  • Opening file
  • File modes
  • Reading data from file
  • Writing data into file
  • Appending data into file
  • Line count in File
  • CSV module
  • Creating CSV file
  • Reading from CSV file
  • Writing into CSV file
  • Object serialization – pickle module
  • XML parsing
  • JSON parsing



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