Course Details

Course Overview


What You Will Learn?


HTML Course Content

1.      Introduction to HTML

·         What is HTML?

·         HTML evolution and standards

·         Setting up a development environment

2.      HTML Basics

·         HTML document structure

·         HTML elements and tags

·         The anatomy of an HTML tag

·         Commonly used HTML elements

3.      Text Formatting and Structure

·         Headings and paragraphs

·         Text formatting tags (bold, italic, etc.)

·         Lists (ordered and unordered)

·         Hyperlinks (anchor tags)

4.      Images and Multimedia

·         Inserting images into a webpage

·         Adding audio and video content

·         Embedding multimedia content from external sources

5.      HTML Forms

·         Creating forms for user input

·         Text inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdowns

·         Form submission and handling user data

6.      Tables

·         Creating and formatting tables

·         Adding headers and data to tables

7.      Semantic HTML

·         Understanding semantic elements (header, footer, section, etc.)

·         Benefits of using semantic HTML for accessibility and SEO

8.      HTML Best Practices

·         Writing clean and maintainable code

·         Code indentation and formatting

·         Avoiding common HTML pitfalls

9.       Real-World Projects

·         Building a basic personal website

·         Creating a simple contact form

·         Implementing an image gallery


CSS Course Content:


1.     Introduction to CSS:

·         What is CSS and its role in web development?

·         Inline, internal, and external CSS styles.

·         CSS syntax and rules.

2.     CSS Selectors:

·         Understanding different types of selectors (element, class, id, descendant, etc.).

·         Combining selectors to target specific elements.

·         Specificity and cascading order in CSS.

3.     Box Model:

·         Understanding the concept of the box model (content, padding, border, margin).

·         Controlling box dimensions and spacing.

·         Box-sizing property.

4.     CSS Typography:

·         Styling text (font-family, font-size, font-weight, etc.).

·         Formatting text (text-align, text-decoration, text-transform, etc.).

·         Working with web fonts.

5.     CSS Colors and Backgrounds:

·         Applying colors (color, background-color).

·         Background images and positioning.

·         Creating gradients.

6.     CSS Layout:

·         Positioning elements (relative, absolute, fixed, static).

·         Display property (block, inline, inline-block, flex, grid, etc.).

·         Float and clear properties.

7.     CSS Flexbox:

·         Introduction to Flexbox and its layout properties (flex-direction, justify-content, align-items, etc.).

·         Building flexible and responsive layouts.

8.     CSS Grid:

·         Introduction to CSS Grid and its layout properties (grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, etc.).

·         Creating complex grid-based layouts.

9.     CSS Transitions and Animations:

·         Transition properties for smooth element transitions (transition-property, transition-duration, etc.).

·         Keyframes and animation properties for creating animations.

10.                        Responsive Web Design with CSS:

·         Media queries for responsive layouts.

·         Mobile-first design principles.

·         Flexibility and fluidity in responsive design.

11.                        CSS Preprocessors:

·         Introduction to CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less.

·         Variables, nesting, and mixins.

12.                        CSS Architecture and Best Practices:

·         BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology.

·         Managing CSS with proper organization and naming conventions.

·         CSS optimization techniques for performance.

13.                        CSS Frameworks:

·         Overview of popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation.

14.                        CSS Grid Systems:

·         Understanding and working with grid systems for responsive layouts.

15.                        CSS in Real-World Projects:

·         Practical exercises and projects to apply CSS concepts in real-world scenarios


JavaScript  Course Content:


1.     Introduction to JavaScript:

·         What is JavaScript?

·         History and evolution of JavaScript.

·         Java Scripts role in web development.

·         Setting up a development environment.

2.     JavaScript Basics:

·         Variables and data types.

·         Operators and expressions.

·         Control flow statements (if-else, switch, loops).

3.     Functions:

·         Defining and invoking functions.

·         Function parameters and return values.

·         Function scope and closures.

·         Anonymous functions and arrow functions.

4.     Arrays and Objects:

·         Creating and manipulating arrays.

·         Array methods (forEach, map, filter, etc.).

·         Working with objects and properties.

·         JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

5.     DOM Manipulation:

·         Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM).

·         Selecting elements from the DOM.

·         Modifying HTML content and styles dynamically.

·         Handling events (click, submit, etc.).

6.     Asynchronous JavaScript:

·         Introduction to asynchronous programming.

·         Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await for handling asynchronous operations.

·         Fetch API for making HTTP requests.

7.     Error Handling:

·         Handling exceptions with try-catch blocks.

·         Understanding common JavaScript errors and debugging techniques.

8.     JavaScript Modules and Packages:

·         Modularizing code with JavaScript modules.

·         Working with npm (Node Package Manager) and using external packages.

9.     ES6 and Beyond:

·         Introduction to ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) features.

·         Arrow functions, template literals, let and const, destructuring, etc.

10.                        Web APIs and Libraries:

·         Introduction to browser APIs (localStorage, geolocation, etc.).

·         Using third-party JavaScript libraries (e.g., jQuery).

11.                        Introduction to Front-End Frameworks:

·         Brief overview of popular front-end frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js.

12.                        JavaScript Best Practices:

·         Code organization and maintainability.

·         Performance optimization techniques.

·         Writing clean and efficient code.

13.                        Project Work:

·         Building real-world applications using JavaScript.



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